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How to use Mineralux

Jealous Grandparents

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DazzleTM Algae Destruction Method:

The DazzleTM algae destruction method is designed to be an easy-to-use, highly effective way to destroy algae problems with one application, including clearing up the water. It alleviates the need for messy, hard-to-use flocculants and filter aids, saving you time and frustration. The DazzleTM method does not waste water and does not require a lot of work. Just apply the products and let them do their thing!

What is Biofilm

Biofilm is a rapidly reproducing colony of microorganisms
surrounded by their protective slime in an aqueous environment.
They grow on surfaces where water doesn’t flow and prefer environments
where water is stagnant and void of sanitizer.

Hot Tub Checklist - Tabs

If you are a hot tub owner that has been using their spa more regularly, you need to be mindful about the fact that heavy hot tub usage equals more consistent, thorough hot tub maintenance.


Hot tub stabilizers are usually composed of cyanuric acid which easily binds to chlorine molecules. These bonds make the chlorine much more stable and more effective at eliminating bacteria and germs. Hot tub stabilizers will also reduce the amount of chlorine needed to keep the water safe.

Filter Cleaning

The best way to clean spa filters is to be consistent. Take the hot tub filter out and rinse it with water every week to remove the buildup from the filter.

Healthier Pool Care

This kit is designed to provide you with the products you need to maintain your pool water dazzling clear, algae-free and safe for swimmers. Guaranteed!

Pure WOW Pool Care

This kit is designed to provide you with the products you need to maintain your pool water dazzling clear, algae-free and safe for swimmers. Guaranteed!


Phosphates can enter your hot tub from your source water on initial fill. The phosphate level will be then added to from multiple sources including rain water, leaves, body oils, cosmetic products and even some hot tub chemicals. So you could well have a high phosphate level in your hot tub straight after fresh fill and also add them when topping up from your garden hose.

Hydrogen Peroxide

It is good to see that we are not the only one’s talking about the problems with using Hydrogen Peroxide in a spa. Here is an article that explains why.

Chlorine Usage

Aim to maintain a chlorine level of 3 to 5mg/l at all times. How frequently you add more chlorine will depend on your usage and bathing habits.


Metal Staining

Don’t let metal buildup in your hot tub. Eliminate metal before it starts and prevent metals from staining your spa or hot tub. Control the metal buildup be preventing iron & other metals from oxidizing to prevent metallic stains in your spa.


Reducing TA

If the alkalinity in a hot tub is too high, it can reduce your sanitizer’s effectiveness and cause green water. But why is your hot tub alkalinity too high in the first place? And how do you lower your alkalinity?


Tips for Saving Chlorine

Did you know that one of the biggest maintenance costs to your pool is chlorine? It comes in many forms – tablet, powder or liquid.

Every pool needs chlorine because it kills bacteria and prevents algae growth. Most importantly it protects swimmers from common waterborne illnesses such as legionella and cryptosporidium.



Phosphate Removal

Phosphates will not directly cause harm to a bather in a hot tub however they can have an impact on sanitiser demand and therefore reduce sanitiser level significantly, which in turn could make a hot tub unsafe. Phosphates are the main food source for algae growth in water. This means that high phosphates levels give algae the perfect opportunity to grow.



Maintaining Hot Tub with Mineraluxe

Cleans hot tub plumbing and other hidden surfaces; All natural, blend of powerful concentrated enzymes and saponin



Mineraluxe for Swim Spa - part 1

Swim spas may be more on the atypical side of backyard water enjoyment, but we love them. A beautiful hybrid of pool and hot tub; it’s a great way to stay in shape. Your swim spa needs the same love as your pool and hot tub, though, to stay dazzling.



Mineraluxe for Swim Spa - part 2

Swim spas may be more on the atypical side of backyard water enjoyment, but we love them. A beautiful hybrid of pool and hot tub; it’s a great way to stay in shape. Your swim spa needs the same love as your pool and hot tub, though, to stay dazzling.



Come On In…the water is great!

Treat Yourself to a Relaxing Day at the Spa